Monday, August 18, 2014

Benefits of coconut water and malai

Benefits of coconut water and malai Repair the immune system. Immune system is composed of the protein. With a low protein content, then it is likely to be too low to form antibodies. 

Coconut water contains lauric acid which is an antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. In a small amount of coconut water also contains glutamine and arginine are able to help fight the virus. "So coconut water also you can count on to build up the immune system," said dr. Peddy.

Neutralize toxins. Coconut water does contain an antidote but not for all types of poison. Coconut water can help remove toxins if it is still present in the stomach by means spewing or rinsing. If the poison had already slipped into the blood, giving only coconut water will help dilute, so that can be removed through the kidneys