Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Benefits of oatmeal and honey mask

Benefits of oatmeal and honey mask Did you know that it turns out blackheads is one type of acne?

Blackheads are a type of acne that is not inflamed, so different zoom than the inflamed acne. Blackheads have two types, the type of black blackheads are comedones that stay in the open pores, blackheads and white living in the closed pores.

Both of them are kind of stubborn skin problems and make the skin look so dull.

Black blackheads are usually quite striking appearance. Can be seen even closed by the powder. Generally he was in the nose, and cheek area T, and make the skin look like there are black spots. If left alone, it can also be an acne. For that, you have to remove it from your skin, before it's too late. 

There are some home-based mask that turns powerful to overcome this black blackheads. And the material is already in your kitchen. No need to wait long